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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Baby Teeth, Avoiding the battle with your child about brushing their teeth

Tuesday, Jun. 12th 2012 1:08 PM

For many parents getting their toddler to brush their teeth can turn into a daily battle.  The key is make brushing their teeth a fun experience.    As an example buy an electric toothbrush for your child to use, many children like brushing with an electric tooth brush and see it as a more fun option. Another option is by letting your child pick their own tooth brush that feature their favorite cartooon carater such as a Dora Explore or Buzzlight year ect.

Try having your child brush to music.  If they have a favorite song or radio status brushing to the song will not only make it more enjoyable but also may make brushing time longer so that you are able to get to at least two minutes.

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