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My eight year old has issues with kicking and hitting

Monday, Nov. 23rd 2009 11:37 PM

My 8 year old son will not stop kicking and hitting me.

Please any advise is needed.  I am currently pregnant and I have an eight year old son that kicks and hits me.  He has being kicking and hitting me and a few other adults since he was just two.  His father and I have been divorced since he was three and he will not go to any counseling with him even though he kicks and hits him too.  He says I need to deal with it since he is with me most of the time. I do  not know what to do anymore.

He does not kick or hits other kids so I am not worried about the new baby but I need to get him to stop this terrible behavior.   Just telling him to stop is not working.  I do not spank my kids I do not see the point in doing the very thing to him that I  am trying to get him to stop.   Any advise besides spanking would  be great.

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