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Terrible twos what to do

Saturday, Dec. 26th 2009 2:23 PM

Two year old son is a pain

Okay I mean it in a nice way.  But my son is driving me crazy.  If I am not giving him my 100 % attention all day long he will do everything in his power to annoy me to death.   The minute I try and get any house work done he is under my feet.   If I do not stop what I am doing he will start in pushing, hitting, kicking and yes screaming until I give him all of my attention.   I can not even take a  shower without him acting up outside the bathroom door.

When he was a little baby he was so sweet.  Okay I know he is only two but before the twos he was able to be by his self and let me get my work done.  Is this normal?  I know people joke about terrible twos but this is getting old real quick and I am not sure what to do.   Advise please

Oh if it helps,  my husband is working 12 hour days six days a week two jobs.  He needs to work this hard since we do need the money.  I try never to make him deal with home issues as much as I can.  I like for him to come home to a peaceful house.  Lucky for me he comes home late and misses most of my son antics.

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