Sunday, Jan. 3rd 2010 7:52 PM
My husband and I don’t want to take childbirth classes
So my husband and I do not want to take childbirth classes. Right now he is working two jobs and about 16 hour days. He only gets one day off a week. I am still working and will be working up until the last minute. Then I will be taking three months off from work. That is why right now we are working hard so we with have the money to make it though the three months I will be off.
After the three months we will be back to more normal hours. Anyway as you can see we would have very little time to go to childbirth classes. We did go out and get DVD on childbirth and feel that should be enough. So my question is do you think that there is any point in going to the class if we have the DVD’s? What would we get out of the class that we can not learn from watching a DVD?
Would like to hear your feed back.