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Baby Orajel does it really work well for teething?

Thursday, Mar. 18th 2010 12:12 PM

How long dose the effects last?

So our daughter is not have a terrible time with teething but she does have her times when she is really bother by it.  Today was a bad day.  So talking it over with my husband with thought we would try baby Orajel to put on her gums.
After getting it home I read the packaging which  says you can apply it up to  four times a day.   If that is the case does it the effects  lasts up to six hours?   She seem to have a instance response to it and seem a little settled down.  But does Orajel work for the long term?  If not whats the point?  Also if you know of something better to use please let me know.  Thanks.
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