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My eight year old daughter will not help do family chores

Friday, Apr. 23rd 2010 7:46 AM

I have five children ages  1 – 10.  The problem I am having is with my eight year old daughter.  As a family we have different house hold and family chores.  One of the things we do is gardening.  We have a really nice size back yard were we have a vegetable garden.   So that my kids are not sitting in front of the TV on the weekends during the day we work in the garden together.

My eight year old daughter dislikes having to work in the garden.  To the point that she get angry and causes a fuss every time.  I use to put her in time out but then she is only getting her way by not having to help the family with the gardening.   My other four children like being out in the garden but my eight year old attitude is starting to effect them as well.

If it was just about the gardening I would try and find something else for her to do.  But for my husband and I it is about being together as a family at least two days out of the week.  She is also starting to pull this with other jobs like keeping her side of the room clean.  Taking things away from her does not work and we do not practice spanking in our family.
Would love some suggestions from other parents that have gone though this.  Helpful advise only. Like I said spanking is not a valid choice for us.
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