Baby dental care, Why would you have dental work on baby teeth.
So I took my son to the dentist he is five years old. I am told he has three small cavities and a baby rootcanal that should be taken care of. Okay so it has been a while since I was a kid but my parents never had me get a root canal on a baby tooth. The dentist would just pull it if the tooth was bad.
My son dental care with the dental insurance I have (that does not cover much.) my cost would be over a 1000.00 since he advises that my son is put to sleep during the dental procedure. I am not sure about any of the work he wants to do. Small cavities are not hurting him. He will be loosing those teeth soon any way.
As far as the tooth that needs the root canal why not just pull it. I know pulling it would be a lot less costly then doing a root canal and cap. I said this to the dentist but acourse he shot me down and said he would not advise on having the tooth pulled so soon.