Baby dental, Getting proper dental care as a child
I am a signal mom of a one year old. I have a wonderful son and his father does help out with his care. So I have no issues with that. However we both do not have dental insurance. I been wanting to get something in place for my son.
Neither I or my son’s father had good dental care as a child. I guess you can say we were both lucky not to to have any real teeth issues. I would say that is part of the problem I am now having. He does not want to pay any money for dental insurance or dental care, for our son saying that he does not need it. That is parents never took him to see a dentist when he was a kid and his teeth are just fine.
I never went to the dentist until I was 18 and started going on my own. Though I had three cavities my teeth were otherwise fine. So since we have good jeans should I worry about dental care? I have no one to really ask that did go to the dentist when they were a child. I can get the dental insurance but I thinking I still need help with any remaining dental cost. How can I convince him that dental care for a baby is important.