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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Children dental hygiene health care in Texas.

Tuesday, Apr. 12th 2011 9:16 AM

Children dental hygiene health care in Texas. My son Tony is seven years old and still will not brush his teeth. It is a fight with him every morning and night to get him to brush his teeth. He starts to wine about not wanting to brush. I have to stand over him the whole time and make sure he is really brushing his teeth. I do not understand this behavior at all.

My four year old daughter Sarah is already brushing on her own. I worried that if this continues with my son he will never have good oral healthcare habits. The only reason he does not have cavities is because I make him brush his teeth and I floss them for him at night. My husband tries to help but in the end there is no help their either. Advise on how to get my son to want to brush his teeth or at least do so with out it becoming an issue twice a day

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