Baby Dental, Thumb Sucking Baby
Question: My son is now going on a year and a half and I am worried that his thumb sucking may start to make his teeth come in crooked. I heard that things like pacifiers and thumb sucking are not a good thing for a baby to do once their teeth come in. I have been trying to get him to stop the thumb sucking but it make him upset when I do. How long should I let this continue?
Answer: Many infants and young children often suck their thumb as a way to calm themselves. While most children will stop on their own between ages three and six some can continue past that age into prolonged thumb sucking. Prolonged thumb sucking is the real issue and yes it can lead to serious dental and speech problems. By using lots of love, encouragement, and a few simple steps, you can help your child succeed in breaking the thumb-sucking habit.