Baby Dental, How do you take care of baby teeth
My baby girl Anna is five months old her teeth and her teeth are coming in. I was wondering what I should do to care for them? I also not sure when I should take her to her first dental appointment. I am a first time signal mom doing thing on my own. So any advise would be very helpful to me.
Answer: You take care of baby teeth just like you take care of your own. You want to brush them twice a day. For babies you can use either a baby tooth brush or a finger brush. Make sure to use toothpaste that does not have fluoride in it. A baby should not used fluoride toothpaste until they know how to spit it out and not swallow.
Since your baby is cutting her teeth, she should start to see a dentist. The dentist will be about to check her teeth and make sure all is well. The dentist will also go over proper dental care for your baby.