Baby Dental, Do all PPOs have waiting periods
Question: I would like to get dental insurance for my family. My wife wants to stay with her current dentist and has been advise to get a dental PPO insurance plan.
Looking at those types of plan I have notice so far that they all seem to have these long waiting periods. I do not mind the cost some much as I know insurance can get costly but why should we have to wait on top of it? Are there PPO plans that do not have waiting periods?
Answer: In general dental PPO’s and Indemnity (Free choice of providers) insurance plans do have waiting periods. Typically these type of plans will have at lease six months waiting period for basic dental services and twelve months waiting period for major dental services. (however each plan is different and waiting periods can very)
With that said however, you maybe be able to find a dental PPO plan that dose not have waiting periods such as our Madison National plan with the 1000 yearly max limitation. This plan is available in most states. When reviewing a PPO plan that dose not have waiting periods make sure you read the plans terms and conditions carefully. Often times they will reduce the coverages received within the first year so although they do not have waiting periods the coverages may be much less in the first year compared to the second and or third depending on the plan.