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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

How dental insurance saves you on additional cost.

Saturday, Oct. 3rd 2015 6:20 AM

In a prior post we talked about cost of fillings.  Yet there are additional cost that can not be forget because they are services you would need to have prior to having a filling.     Usually  there are initial exam cost and without insurance that can range around $20-$100. Then there are the dental X-rays cost which can range around $10-$250. X-rays are normally required in order to determine the extent of the decay before a dentist will perform a filling procedure.

These types of services under a PPO plan would normally fall into their preventive care. Most PPO plans pay 80-100 percent on the cost of preventive services. In addition in most cases preventive care does not have waiting periods.   With HMO insurance plan in many cased these types of services are free or at a very low cost.  You can really start to see just how much having dental insurance saves you money on your dental care needs.

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