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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Flossing and Brushing Your Teeth Tips

Sunday, Sep. 25th 2016 10:34 AM

1) You should floss your teeth before brushing whenever possible, then rinse out your mouths with a germ killing mouthwash

2) When flossing you want to pull out about 18′ of dental floss and wrap the ends around your fingers. Then gently slide the floss up and down against each side of each tooth. Making sure to get those even hard to reach back teeth.

3) When brushing your teeth you want to angle the toothbrush along the gumline and gently brush back and forth. Brush the inside and outside and the chewing surfaces of every tooth.  Doing this should take at least two minutes. If you brush your teeth too fast it is a good likelihood you are not doing a good job of brushing your teeth

4) Don’t forget while brushing your teeth to also include your tongue and the roof of your mouth.

5) After you completely brushing make sure to rinse your mouth out  thoroughly with a germ killing mouthwash

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