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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Baby Dental, Accidentally Hitting Baby Teeth

Thursday, Nov. 23rd 2017 8:57 AM

Question: My four year old son is very active and always getting in things.  The other day he was climbing on a outside bench table at the park and fell.  He hit is teeth on the ground.  Well is face but his baby teeth are in so they got hit too. He seems to be okay and says his teeth/mouth does not hurt him.  How do I know if he has any nerve damage to his front teeth?  What should I be looking for?

Reply:  Watch him to see if his teeth start to hurt him while eating. See if you can tap on them without causing him any pain. If you see he has pain to either of these the I would suggest going to a dentist to have them check it out.  In addition keep an eye on the color of your son teeth that he hit. If for whatever reason you see the are turning grayish you will want take him into the dentist

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