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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
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Baby Dental – Where do you find Dental Insurance for Baby

Friday, Nov. 22nd 2019 6:02 AM

Question: Where do you find dental insurance for a baby. My daughter is two and I am told she should be seeing a dentist now that she is two years old. I do not have dental benefits for her and I would like to get a dental insurance plan for just her right now since cost is a factor for me.

Reply: I would suggest that if you do not have dental insurance for yourself to really think about getting a couple plan for you and your child.

With that said, I do not know what state you are in so hard to advise which plans will or will not write a minor by themselves.

However any of our dental discount plans would let you buy the plan for just your daughter.  Other then that I would suggest calling our office at 310-534-3444 to confirm on any other dental plan options.

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