Temporary Dental Insurance for Tennessee – Baby Dental
Question: I will receive dental benefits through my current employer in another six months. Right now, I need a short-term or temporary dental plan to help me with a few of my current dental needs. I have been putting off buying dental insurance since I will get dental benefits soon. However, one of my teeth is really starting to hurt me. Do you have any dental plans I do not have to keep for a year or more?
Answer: I suggest reviewing dental discount plans as they will help reduce your overall dental care cost, and you can typically cancel the plan at any time with a 30-day written request. You can also review the Dental HMO plan option. Although some will have you pay for the plan annually, HMOs are inexpensive and may work better for you.
You can call our member service line at 310-534-3444. Our team of experts can explain each plan’s various options and benefits and help you select the one that best fits your needs and budget.